Friday, January 27, 2012

pet shows

This blog post is going to be a little different from my normal blogs. But it still somewhat talks about animals. This blog is about dog shows, pet shows or whatever you want to call them. My opinion about dog shows is that they just show how well a dog can listen and it is a great way to waste time. And why does anyone want to know that there animal is best. The only thing that really matters is that your pet is your best friend. And is the best match for your personality. Of course that personality isn’t the best for your friend or relative but it is what you think of the pet that counts. Your relatives/friends don’t help take care of your pet 24/7 they and if your dog is not as talented as an award winning dog it doesn’t matter would you want a dog that is so trained that it will do everything you say but won’t do what will make you laugh, have pure fun. That can change at any second from a game of catch to a game of tug of war. that is what a real dog is and you can train them to do anything just don’t teach them to much because they will never be the same after wards.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


This blog post is about geckos, and geckos are smaller than average lizards and most people would think that they are cute. Guys you probably think they are cool or something more masculine. But I think they are cool and funny to look at. What is your view on geckos, do you have one as a pet? Is it possible to have as a pet? Also tell me if they are social or not, I want to learn more about geckos so please leave a comment and a suggestion for the next blog.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

cat blog post

This blog post is going to be about CATS. I personally don’t know that much about cats but I will tell you what I know and if I am wrong tell me because I want to know more about them. I know that they are also called felines and are also mostly solitary animal. I had a cat when I was young and he was really friendly… When I was asleep anyway. Mostly because he loved to sleep next to me but otherwise he was an outside, and solitary kind of cat. What is your cats/cat like?  Does it have the same personality? I don’t know why but my cat would always leave a stack of mice on my front line when I was away. Do you guys (or girls) know if that is a dominance challenge (like to see who can catch more food), or a present/food for the alpha?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

dog blog comment

I found a really good blog about helping dogs all year round and it doesn’t say you have to help dogs. But you can if you want to help. The blog is on The blog gives some advice about something you can do to help dogs. But if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. Lf you are a dog person comment and tell me what you think of the blog and what your favorite dog is (like germen Sheppard or golden retriever for example). If you like cat comment about cats and give me a link to a good blog about cats. I will try and comment about the blog link you give me but I might not get to it and if I don’t I am sorry in advance. But me personally I like dogs more than cats but cats are ok.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the most popular sites on the internet

According to the article I read, named the growth of the web. It states a lot of info about the internet and how it grew and what nation uses the most internets but what cot my eye was the most visited websites. The most visited website is facebook. From the sources of Google the article says “Google publishes a list of the number of monthly unique visitors the world’s other most popular websites receive. While the exact number remains a mystery for Google itself, it’s safe to assume that it would top this list.”
The top cite visited (other than Google) is facebook and the second is YouTube I thought it would have been the other way around because YouTube has a lot more stuff to do but people like facebook more if you think what I think reply and if you don’t leave a reply to try and convince me. That is what I found interesting in the article.